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Zabbix Certified Professional Upgrade

Opgrader din certificering til ZCP 7.0. Lær, hvordan du får mest muligt ud af Zabbix 7.0 LTS-funktioner ved at implementere et Zabbix HA setup med høj tilgængelighed, lære at lave dynamisk overvågning med dynamiske tærskelværdier og bruge de nyeste pre-processerings funktioner.

Zabbix Certified Professional (ZCP) Upgrade
Product covered
Zabbix 7.0
2 hours
Course prerequisite
Zabbix 6.0 Certified Professional and Zabbix 6.0 Certified Specialist certificates
Next level
Previous level

2.500 DKK (onsite, itm8 Skovlunde)
2.250 DKK (online)

Coming planned courses
12/9-2024 (Danish)

Acquired skills and knowledge

  • Use Zabbix throttling feature on Zabbix proxies to reduce network load and improve Zabbix performance
  • Transform CSV and XML data to JSON for simplified data processing
  • Secure connections to Zabbix database backend by using TLS certificates
  • Implement disaster recovery by deploying multiple Zabbix server nodes in high availability mode
  • Analyze and detect problems in long-term metric trends
  • Monitor data baseline values and react to unexpected deviations
  • Dynamically detect and react to anomalous data points

Course program

Certificates and gifts

  • Upon successfully passing the exam: Zabbix 7.0 Certified Professional certificate
  • Upon successfully passing the exam: Zabbix 7.0 Professional pin

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